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5月, 2019の投稿を表示しています

I Always Win!

Ryan and Tyler are in a big mountain bike race. Tyler is a very good racer and wants to with the race. Ryan's father gives him a new bike. Ryan does not care how he wins. Will he do anything to win the race? I read "I always win". The theme of this book is the importance of the game. The book teaches us it. Tyler and Ryan are very good racers. But Ryan's father applies presser his son, so Ryan cheats.

Do I tell?

Do I Tell? It's wrong to do that. I don't want to be with them. I must tell the police, or I may get into trouble. I'm going home! I read a book, named ''Do I tell.'' This book teaches children the things good or not. The main character boy don't do bad thing by himself but his friends do that. He don't have any braves to warn his friend. Finally, they are captured by police officer at the end of the story.

The bear's mouth

The bear's mouth I read a book, titled The Bear's Mouth, today. It is set in modern times. The story's purpose seems to teach the importance of the cooperation in the team. I introduce the story content. Some boys and girls try to get several flags in the forest and they are separated to some team. The winner is the first team to get more flags than any other team. The boys and girls in Green team are main characters in this story, and people in Red team are their enemy. There are many traps in the forest and the game's key is '' The bear's mouth.'' Can Green team get won??